The arts matter. Here’s what you can do to support our creative city.
Artists and arts organizations make a tremendous contribution to the economic vitality and livability of their communities. Toronto's investment in the arts leverages increased support from other sources, increases employment, encourages tourism and ensures greater accessibility to arts programming in all Toronto neighbourhoods. Beyond that, the arts have an intrinsic value to individuals and communities; they inspire, challenge, excite, spark conversations, bridge differences and so much more.
Toronto Arts Foundation regularly consults with advocacy leaders on the issues and needs of our city’s artists, arts organizations and arts enthusiasts. We believe that the arts help cities thrive, and through our programs and initiatives, we’re working to build a strong, creative city. In addition to delivering high-quality programming and learning opportunities through Arts in the Parks, Neighbourhood Arts Network and Creative Champions Network, we invest in research that not only informs our own programming, but demonstrates the impact of the arts and its support by the majority of Toronto residents.
Advocacy Tools
There are many ways Toronto residents can help to strengthen our city’s creative sector.
1. Let your local representatives know that you support the arts. In 2018, Toronto City Council approved a $2 million increase to arts funding, finally meeting its goal of $25 per capita for the arts. This was a great achievement, but with nearly twice as many artists as any Canadian city living in Toronto, our city’s artists and arts organizations need more. It’s important that local representatives know that their constituents support arts funding increases. Give them a call, send them a letter, or let them know in person!
2. Fundraise or donate. There are hundreds of organizations and individuals in Toronto that are making an impact through the arts. Whether it’s arts education, social justice, arts and equity, arts access, a specific discipline or anything else that you feel passionate about, there’s someone out there doing amazing work that can use your support. If you’d like to support individual excellence in the arts, think about contributing to or launching an award. In addition to our programs and initiatives, we offer many awards that can use your support!
3. Volunteer your time. If you don’t have the resources to financially contribute to the arts, consider volunteering. Many organizations regularly seek engaged individuals to support specific events, campaigns, or their operations. Don’t know where to start looking for these opportunities? Sign up for the Toronto Arts Foundation & Toronto Arts Council Volunteer Network where you’ll receive a bi-monthly email listing of arts volunteer opportunities throughout the city. If you’d like to become more deeply involved, consider joining an arts board.
4. Develop key messaging about why the arts are important, and back it up by using stats and figures from our Arts Stats & Arts Facts. Making a strong case for the arts is half the battle. Take time to draft up your position on why the arts matters to you and your community. Start with an anecdote or use some of our Arts Stats & Arts Facts; the numbers in those resources are truly remarkable and we made them specifically for Torontonians to use when advocating for the arts.
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