This section contains a number of resources to assist board members in understanding their role in program evaluation.
Are your organization’s programs achieving their goals? (And what exactly are those goals?) Funders and donors are increasingly taking a hard look at whether the programs they fund – from arts in schools to other youth and education, audience engagement, access, diversity and inclusion initiatives – are having the impact they promised. Managers, artists and boards are equally keen to know if their efforts are meaningfully contributing to the development of their organization, neighbourhood and the larger arts community.
We've compiled a series of articles, reports and resources for you and your board to explore. Click any of the links below, or access a roll-up of all the resources in one easy-to-print document. Click here to access the document: What’s Your Impact? (PDF).
Input, Output, Outcome, Impact?
Meaningful and Action Oriented
The Evaluation Landscape
Collaborating for Impact
The Grantmakers Perspective