Young People’s Theatre is has just completed its 50th season of wonder-filled professional, high-quality theatre, specifically designed for young people. By also creating engaging experiences in schools and in the community through its comprehensive Education & Participation programs, YPT provides children and youth with inspiring ways to develop their whole being.
We asked YPT some questions to learn more about what they do.
What makes imagination so valuable?
Children have to use their imaginations... unlike adults, they lack the experience on which to base decisions. The imaginative, engrossing stories of plays, in which children live alongside the ups and downs of the characters in the story, allow them to make imagined experience, real experience.
YPT is the oldest professional theatre company in Toronto, and you’ve just completed your 50th anniversary. What makes YPT so successful and unique?
YPT was founded on the principle that only the best is good enough for children, a favourite saying of YPT’s founder, Susan Rubes. Using these words as a guide and a call to action, YPT has always aspired to a deeper engagement with its audience, to achieve standards that rival any adult theatre, and to be accessible to all young people.
As the largest theatre for young audiences in Canada and as a centre of excellence in theatre and drama education, YPT is a national treasure right in the heart of Toronto. It benefits children and teens throughout Toronto and beyond.
In addition to presenting theatre works, YPT is also heavily involved in education; through shared resources for teachers, and through workshops and programs. Can you explain why this work is important?
YPT is both a professional theatre and a drama education centre. The importance of this dual identity lies in the vital connection between children seeing theatre and in making their own theatre. In both cases, there are rich opportunities for young people to grow. Whether our teaching programs take place in shelters, community agencies, hospitals, or school classrooms, they all connect back to the productions on our stages on Front Street. Work on one side of the company richly informs work on the other side.
What’s the value of theatre for young people?
Theatre contributes to the emotional, social, and intellectual development of young people, and allows them to practice empathy and hope.
What do you love about what you do?
At YPT we have the privilege of seeing young people experience theatre for the first time. The discoveries they make through theatre help them grow into the unique people they were meant to be.
What’s coming up at YPT that you’re excited about?
YPT has an ambitious goal of developing a new facility that will ensure the company’s next successful 50 years.