Capacity building

  • A process in which individuals or groups gain, improve or retain skills, knowledge and resources that enable them to do a job at a greater capacity or volume ( e.g.: increase audience, increase in scale, increase in impact).

Community organizers and groups

  • Persons or collectives of people that coordinate efforts and action by local residents to promote the interests of their community and improve it via projects/initiatives/events.

Cultural geography

  • This is a subfield of human geography, but we use the term to refer to the cultural values and customs specific to a geographical area. The ways people live that make an area unique.

Cultural placemaking

  • Approaching an area strategically to shape it and build a sense of identity through the arts and culture. As a practice it encourages residents to interact with each other and contribute to the area’s well being on a communal scale and an individual scale.

Neighbourhood Improvement Area (NIA)

  • In Toronto this term is used to refer to a neighbourhood that has been designated as an area that requires additional investment and support to combat specific issues the area may be facing, such as a shortage of public services or above average poverty rate.

Participatory event

  • Events at which attendees have an opportunity to participate in the art creation and/or the presentation. e.g.: making banners as part of a community parade

Spectator event

  • Events at which attendees are audience members e.g.: viewing a film or watching a performance.