Equity Steering Committee and Working Groups

With the goal of furthering equity implementation at the Foundation, the Foundation participates in Toronto Arts Council’s Equity Steering Committee, which includes staff members from all levels of the organization (senior management, middle management and support staff), as well as board members and/or community members drawn from the Foundation's equity priority communities.

The Equity Steering Committee plays a leadership role in setting equity priorities, developing an annual Equity Action Plan and tracking and analyzing the success of its equity initiatives. The Equity Steering Committee also ensures that all staff and key volunteers are consulted on and informed of equity-related issues and actions.


All staff and board members are accountable for ensuring that the Foundation adheres to the equity principles and practices articulated in this Equity Framework document.

The board, under the leadership of the Chair and President, is responsible for recruiting a diverse Board of Directors and ensuring that equity principles are integrated into its governance and planning processes.

The Foundation staff, under the leadership of the organization’s Director and CEO, is responsible for integrating equity values into the Foundation's program development and delivery processes, its employment and volunteer recruitment practices, and its day-to-day operations; maintaining positive relationships with diverse the Foundation's constituents and equity-seeking groups; and ensuring that the Foundation maintains an anti-oppressive environment.

Equity and inclusion are fostered as core leadership competencies both within the Foundation and the broader arts sector. Commitment to equity implementation is built into the annual job evaluations for all staff and into organizational performance metrics. Commitment and progress in implementing equity is also reflected in the Foundation's Annual Reports and in its Strategic Plans.

Leadership Role

In addition to its internal equity work, the Foundation plays a leadership role in cultivating equity within the broader arts sector and in promoting diverse artists and artistic practices. Specifically, the Foundation:

  • Uses its influence and resources to open doors for equity-seeking artists
  • Promotes the work and accomplishments of diverse artists, including artists of colour, Indigenous artists, artists who are Deaf, have disabilities or are living with mental illness, and artists who identify as 2SLGBTQIAP, through on-line articles and other communications platforms.
  • Embeds equity values and ensures meaningful representation of artists from equity-seeking communities in all Foundation-organized or co-presented events, including conferences, panels, awards ceremonies, press conferences and workshops.
  • Aids and supports Toronto’s arts sector by sourcing, developing and sharing information and resource materials on equity implementation and diverse artistic practices.
  • Facilitates opportunities for professional development, networking and community-wide dialogue on issues of equity and diversity.
  • Champions equitable policies and practices within the public and private sectors and promotes the interests of diverse artists and audiences through its advocacy and city-building efforts


Toronto Arts Foundation Equity Framework

Equity at Toronto Arts Foundation & Toronto Arts Council: A Brief History
Equity Guiding Principles
Equity Priority Groups
Key Equity Policies and Practices
Implementing Equity