TAC Launches Arts-Making 2025
Toronto Arts Council presents its new strategic plan: Arts-Making 2025.
Developed following extensive consultations with Toronto's artists, organizations and community members, this plan will guide and support TAC's granting programs for the next 9 years. It is intended to build on our existing strengths while we set the course for a bold and inspiring future.
In the 42 years since Toronto Arts Council was founded, the city has grown into a thriving centre for the arts. Toronto is home to more artists than any other Canadian city, who collectively create thousands of arts events, performances, festivals, exhibitions and concerts every year. It is a contribution that delivers both a huge economic return and a priceless boost to our quality of life.
Arts-Making 2025 is both a celebration of accomplishments and an affirmation of continued efforts to strengthen the arts in Toronto. TAC is committed to building on the successes and aspirations of the city's arts community.
The plan is ambitious, including an objective to double grants funding over the next 9 years. The new investment will reinforce the impact of recent funding increases: stabilizing arts organizations, inspiring new activity and broadening access to the arts across the city.
We look forward to working with Toronto’s artists and residents to make Arts-Making 2025 come to life.
For questions about TAC’s 9-year Strategic Plan, contact Susan Wright, Deputy Director: susan@torontoartscouncil.org,416-392-6802 x 211