Last night, The Mayor's Ball for the Arts took place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Host Zaib Shaikh, star of Little Mosque on the Prairie and Midnight's Children, welcomed business leaders, philanthropists, politicians, artists and celebrities to the event which helped raise one million dollars in support of Toronto Arts Foundation.

TORONTO – Last night, The Mayor's Ball for the Arts took place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Host Zaib Shaikh, star of Little Mosque on the Prairie and Midnight's Children, welcomed business leaders, philanthropists, politicians, artists and celebrities to the event which helped raise one million dollars in support of Toronto Arts Foundation. Mayor Rob Ford graciously lent his name to the gala evening.


The event was guided by the leadership of a committee of volunteers, including some of the city's foremost business and community leaders. The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts Dinner Co-Chairs were Susan Crocker, Rupert J. Duchesne, Jim Fleck, Robert Foster, Tony Gagliano and Ralph Lean. Honorary Co-Chairs were The Honourable Michael D. Harris, The Honourable David R. Peterson, Joey Tanenbaum, John H. Tory, and The Honourable Hilary M. Weston.

"The Mayor's Ball for the Arts was a great event to celebrate Toronto’s creativity," said Mayor Rob Ford. "It was a wonderful opportunity for leaders in the community to showcase their support for arts across Toronto.”

"We were absolutely honoured to be the beneficiary of such an exciting event" said Susan Crocker, Chair, Toronto Arts Foundation. “The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts brought together a dynamic cross section of citizens and businesses to celebrate the important role that the arts play in our great city.”

The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts welcomed more than 900 guests and featured entertainment from some of the city’s finest artists. Guests enjoyed a dance performance by Manifesto Community Projects, music by the Andrew Craig Band and stunning performances from the final six Dorothys from CBC’s Over the Rainbow.

Toronto Arts Foundation will use the proceeds of the Mayor’s Ball for the Arts to support its vision: Creative City: Block by Block. This commitment to connect every Toronto neighbourhood to the transformative power of artistic activity includes programs that offer young people creative opportunities, networking and outreach support for community-engaged artists and celebrate artistic excellence in every corner of the city.


To learn more about Toronto Arts Foundation, its signature initiatives and vision, please visit


For more information on The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts please contact Susan Wright, 416-392-6802 x211,

About The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts 
Bringing back a tradition started during Mayor Mel Lastman’s time in office , Mayor Rob Ford has graciously lent his name to support this important cause. The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts has been led by a committee of notable volunteers including Dinner Co-Chairs: Susan Crocker, Rupert Duchesne, Jim Fleck, Robert Foster, Tony Gagliano and Ralph Lean, and Honorary Co-Chairs: The Honourable Michael D. Harris, The Honourable David R. Peterson, Joey Tanenbaum, John H. Tory, and The Honourable Hilary M. Weston. The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts was generously supported by Silver Sponsors: TELUS, Tribute Communities and CIBC; Media Sponsor: The National Post.

About Toronto Arts Foundation
Toronto Arts Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization with the exclusive focus and unique strengths to design effective programs that unite art making and city building. Toronto Arts Foundation leverages the knowledge and experience of its sister organization Toronto Arts Council to spearhead initiatives to strengthen arts accessibility throughout the City of Toronto, seeking to achieve increased social and economic benefits from the arts for our city, increased citizen participation in the arts, increased recognition of Toronto’s artistic excellence and increased financial investment in the arts. Toronto Arts Foundation is a knowledge centre, as well as a convener and catalyst at the forefront of collaborations between organizations committed to successful city-building.Signature initiatives include theNeighbourhood Arts Network, North York Arts, The Mayor’s Arts Awards Lunch and Arts Impact Study. For more information on Toronto Arts Foundation please visit: