Claire Hopkinson, Executive Director of the Toronto Arts Foundation, is pleased to announce the launch of the Artists for Community Engagement (ACE) Awards.

Claire Hopkinson, Executive Director of the Toronto Arts Foundation, is pleased to announce the launch of the Artists for Community Engagement (ACE) Awards. “When artists work in collaboration with communities, our neighbourhoods are transformed. The Toronto Arts Foundation is proud to recognize the significant achievements of these artists, and the contribution they have made to building a better Toronto.”

The Ace Awards focus on the arts, community collaboration and cultural diversity. Each award comes with a cash prize of $2,000. The TD ACE Opportunities Award, sponsored by TD Bank Group, celebrates artists working with culturally diverse communities to increase youth access to arts and culture. The ICC ACE Impact Award, sponsored by the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, celebrates arts organizations who have made a significant contribution to community transformation and cultural diversity while working in partnership with culturally diverse communities.

“The ICC ACE Impact Award recognizes those arts organizations who are making significant strides to welcome and include new communities in their work,” said Gillian Hewitt Smith, Executive Director and CEO, Institute for Canadian Citizenship. “The ICC is a strong supporter of diversity in arts and culture through its Cultural Access Pass program for new Canadian citizens. This new award will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the excellent work that arts organizations are doing to strengthen the sector for all Canadians.”

The ACE Awards are the result of a partnership between Toronto Arts Foundation’s Neighbourhood Arts Network and the 2010 DiverseCity Fellows a leadership and city-building project of the Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance and Maytree Foundation.

For more information on the awards, please visit or contact Skye Louis at 416.392.6802 x212,

Download the ACE Awards Nomination Form here:


Toronto Arts Foundation exists to provide the creative opportunity for donors to support the arts in Toronto. TAF believes that a great city demands great art, and by supporting, celebrating, financing and advocating for Toronto’s local artists, we’re improving the quality of life of all Torontonians. Although separate entities, the Toronto Arts Council and Toronto Arts Foundation benefit by being run as sister organizations, ensuring close contact with the arts sector in Toronto and an ongoing awareness of activities and needs throughout the community.


A project of the Toronto Arts Foundation, the Neighbourhood Arts Network is the place where arts and community engagement meet in Toronto. We catalyze new discussions and relationships. We collect research and share information. We help artists and community organizations do what they do best: enrich Toronto and transform it into a more vibrant, beautiful, liveable city. To learn more, please visit


Launched in January 2009, Fellows is part of DiverseCity: The Greater Toronto Leadership Project (DiverseCity) and is one of eight initiatives designed to diversify the Toronto region’s leadership landscape. DiverseCity is a joint initiative of two organizations, the Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance (formerly the Toronto City Summit Alliance) and Maytree. DiverseCity is funded in part by the Government of Ontario. To learn more, please visit