Visit our Silent Auction to Support our Initiatives

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An abstract painting filled with blues, pinks, greens, yellows that form overlapping swirls and shapes. The text "The Mayor's Evening for the Arts" appears on a pink ribbon below

The Mayor's Evening for the Arts Silent Auction is now open!

Visit the auction website to bid on unique items including artist prints and paintings, passes to Toronto's best museums and attractions, luxury clothing, gift cards and more! 


Our Mayor's Evening for the Arts is an annual fundraising event that brings together artists, arts professionals, business leaders, Foundation sponsors and donors, and the Mayor himself to celebrate the arts in Toronto and raise funds for our initiatives. Our vision is to connect the city and its residents through the arts, and with our initiatives, we're working to make it happen! 


Now you too can participate in the Evening by supporting our silent auction! Items are available to bid on, with proceeds directed to help Toronto artists and arts organizations in the COVID-19 recovery process. 

The arts sector was one of the hardest hit when COVID-19 changed the world, and artists and arts organizations are still feeling the strain. We know that the arts will be pivotal in the recovery of our city; we have a lot to do to ensure that we are offering all the necessary resources to help the arts thrive. Join us in our effort to support the arts at this crucial time by participating in our silent auction! 

Thank you,

Leslie Francombe
Philanthropy & Sponsorship Manager